My man ODB on the front of some potato chips. Who woulda thunk it? But really though? Rap Snacks? These guys can't be serious. How in the world do you justify putting the Young Bloodz on the front of your product? Like those lames are going to make me want to eat your damn chips. In the immortal words of NaS, "Neeeegro Please!" But if the thought of shitty hip hop artists on the front of your potato chips makes you hungry then you can buy some here.
Way to make the world even fatter by putting the kids' favorite musicians on the front of another artery clogging product. The website even has a soundtrack to go with it. "I need Dubs" by Master P starts blaring out the speakers when you enter the website. Jesus help me.
Excuse the foul language in this post but I'm too beside myself. Murs 4 President. Good Night.
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