Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hate! Hate! Hate!

So I was reading one of my favorite blogs, The Smoking Section and I saw a link that read, "Idaho Sucks." I clicked on it and to my suprise someone really hates our football team. SMH. Here's the blog entry:

Following a 70-0 loss at Arizona, Idaho’s football team dropped the “I” logo that was on the seat of their pants. But that was the only uniform change that’s made sense in the nation’s leader in potatoes and white power militias: the university forced the cheerleading squad to abandon its awesome two-piece uniforms after only one game.

There were enough complaints from Vandal fans about the uniforms that the cheerleading squad abandoned the two-piece outfits…

Donned with more threads last weekend, a second set of uniforms - black shirts and shorts - were worn by the cheerleaders… Despite the less revealing attire; however, the all-black motif lacked panache.

Hell yes it lacked panache. Wait… what’s “panache” again? Is that a word for something that gives me a boner? Because if so I stand by my statement.


I clicked on another link and see this blog entry:

Is Idaho Football Too Sexy?

Oh, Idaho Vandals… you've broken the windowpanes of my tough exterior,
looted my heart, left a graffiti smile on my face, and started a riot in my very
soul. I'll never be the same.

Check the comments, I SMH'd so hard I almost broke my neck. hahaha.

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