Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Dance Floor

I just made this song. And I'm going to make a mixtape of just dance records. I hope you enjoy this, if you don't, I don't care I was just having fun and taking it to the dance floor.


Mp3 version is now up just click on the song below. 

Xabi! - The Dance Floor

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Nike Purple SB Blazer

Releases in Janurary. I think it will be a general release so it won't be too hard to buy. Let's hope so.

A Clockwork Orange

Brilliant movie that everyone should see. I'm mad at myself for waiting so long to see it. Malcolm McDowell elevated himself into one of my favorite actors of all time off this performance alone. His charcter Alex starts out as the villain but by the end you have to feel bad for him. All I can say is that this is a must see movie. One of my favorites.


I've been gone for a while but now I'm back. I haven't been excited about a mixtape in a long while but I just downloaded Mick Boogie's remixed version of Adele's classic album 19. It is 19 mashed up with different 80s beats. I love Adele already and her album is amazing but this mixtape makes me love her even more. If this wasn't a free mixtape I would gladly pay retail for it. It's that good. If you haven't heard it yet please go pick it up. It wont disappoint.

Best track in my opinion is "Make You Feel My Love"

Check it out

Make You Feel My Love (Remot Remix) - Mick Boogie & Adele